How an old lady overcame cancer disease after faith in Sai Baba

My Mother experienced disease multiple times between 2010-2014. Everything started on my sister’s birthday when my mom got to realize that she had cancer estimated 12 cm in size in the left iliac bone. The specialists proposed to remove the whole left leg yet she got relieved in something like long term and she was in the groove again anyway the illness returned in 2011 this time in L5 and it was close to as extensive as the previous one yet she was mended once more. It was December 7, 2012, I dozed in tears. at 3 am and I was puzzling over whether My mother would confront a similar destiny once more.

So this was around 4 A.m I awakened half cognizant I could obviously feel a hand holding my right arm and this arm was of an older person and amazingly I could feel that old skin of this obscure arm. I inquired as to whether she was holding me yet she was dozing on the opposite side and I don’t comprehend how a rational individual would go to back to rest while realizing that somebody is holding them and yet that occurred and I unconsciously dozed once more.

I entered this sai baba sanctuary in fantasy after minutes and It was baba sitting inside; the symbol was unadulterated white made of fine marble and it shares with me (precisely what he said) : “

“Arre itni chidi hui kyu hai kya hua bata”

Furthermore, I told him not to remove my mom and favor her and he answers:

“stomach muscle jo hona tha ho gaya aage ke lie me hu na”

I wouldn’t say everything went miraculously wonderful after that and my mom needed to endure again a malignant growth of the left bosom however she was recuperated. Mark that he never said in the fantasy that disease won’t return he just said that he is there generally!

And it is baba’s grace that my mother, after all these 150 chemotherapies, had the courage and willpower to come back home and cook all meals of the day and send her children to school with the same love and strength.

She has never been bedridden all through her cancer journey

Bow to Shree sai!!!

This is what really happened in my life, As a Sai baba devotee, I can realize Sai baba miracles in my life. I hope you also have an experience like I felt.

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